Thursday 27 June 2013

Goodbye Year 4

Well it's the end of the year and wow! What a fantastic year it has been. I really have no words to express how proud and happy Ms Alison and I have been with Year 4. We have had one of the best years in our teaching careers and for that we thank all of you and your parents. The effort and progress you have all made is nothing short of of outstanding. As promised I have added all the movie trailers from yesterdays show. Enjoy your holidays and I'll see you all soon. 4X here is link for all of Ms Alison's photos. In a couple of weeks her account will be deleted so please make sure you go through it and download any photos you wish to keep. All of the photos from my blog will remain so don't worry about them.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Spelling Bee

Today was the MP2 Spelling Bee and it was clear that there are plenty of  fantastic spellers in MP2! Each house had strong teams of Year 4 and Year 3 children but at the end of the day Hue was unstoppable. They were the clear champions. If you want to have any of the photos you can download them here.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Super Storyboards

Today Year 4 learned how to use a camera to capture different types of shot. They then used this knowledge to create a photographic storyboard that used a range of shots. Clearly they had fun and learned lots too.

You can download the photos here

Sand Paintings & Young Photographer Of The Year!

This week 4T experimented with coloured sand to create some paintings in the style of native people in 
America. Everyone enjoyed creating the images and their was also a photography competition too. Ms Van Anh, Mr Mike and Jeanette all took photos and the whole class chose the photos below to go on the blog. Of the photos below Mr Mike shot two, Ms Van Anh shot three and Jeanette shot the rest. I guess that makes her 4T's young photographer of the year!


 You can download the photos here.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Cave Paintings

As part of our Habitat IPC topic 4T looked at cave paintings from the past. They then attempted to create their own using cartridge paper, pastels and paint. Come and visit the cave in the MP2 corridor to see the results. Download the photos here.


Fantastic First Google Homework

I would just like to say well done to Jeanette for creating an excellent homework. As you can see below she really thought carefully before adding all the features to the information page. Well done Jeanette, I think I will use your amazing homework as an example when I'm teaching teachers how to use the new Google documents for homework.