Wednesday 27 February 2013

What makes your heart beat faster?

During the Science lesson today Year 4 all investigated what happens to heart rates when the human body begins to work harder. They set up their own investigations and decided in groups what type of activity they should do to make their bodies work hard. It was a fun a lesson and everyone discovered just how hard a heart must work when the human body exercises more. 

Thursday 7 February 2013

4T Tet Dragon Dance

You all did a great job of the dragon dance. Ms Van Anh and Mr Ian both filmed it and you can see their videos below.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Can you find something mean?

In Maths this week my maths group have been learning how to find the average. It always help to have data to handle and find the average of so accurate measuring is essential. 

Think before you make a crease.

Today Year 4 had a very thought provoking session with Mr Steve. Every child was given a piece of paper and asked to say nasty words and phrases to it, maybe hurt it or even stamp on it. Even after apologizing to the paper and trying their best to make it better, no one could undo what they had done. The children were encouraged to think about how their actions in the past may have hurt others and left a crease in life. We all do things that we regret. Hopefully children at TX will think twice before they say or do something that may hurt another.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Sports Day

Last Thursday was Sports Day and what a great day it was. I was really busy running and trying to help organise events but I was proud to see 4T put so much effort in. Well done to Saigon who made it to the top spot for the second year in a row. Hopefully next year Dalat can beat them!