Sunday 8 January 2012

Are You Healthy?

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As you can see this week is healthy eating week. There will be lots of opportunities to start the new year by eating healthy. During the week there will be a breakfast club in the mornings and yummy smoothies being sold at the end of the day. If you wish to join breakfast club there are only 30 places in Year 4 and you will have to sign up your name on the Year 4 sheet outside the office.

For more information about all that is happening look at all the posters in the gallery below.

Sports Day


This year's sports day is on Thursday. Please come to school at the normal time but come wearing your PE shorts and your house t-shirt. You will not need to bring your school bag because we will be at the An Phu sports field all day. It will be hot and sunny so please don't forget to prepare for this by bringing your hat, sun cream and water bottle. Mums and dads are welcome to come and watch too. All of us will get the bus to An Phu in the morning but at the end of the day your parents are welcome to take you home from An Phu. 

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