Monday 17 December 2012

Christmas coffee - what have you been up to?

Hello Year 4. I have landed in my home town of Plymouth and my mother and I went Christmas shopping this morning. The best part of the day was a sit down in a lovely warm but small coffee shop that had a huge selection of chocolate cakes! Yes they were just as delicious as they looked. What have you been doing so far this holiday? Add a comment or write your own blog post to show us all.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Super Performance

Well done to the whole of MP2. Today all of the children gave the best performance they have ever done. The audience was fantastic and it was great to see them get so involved. I saw so many happy mums and dads in the audience that it made me proud to be one of the teachers of such a wonderful and talented group of children. Have a great holiday everybody and I wish you all a very merry Christmas.

Sunday 9 December 2012

What a great way to end the swim meet!

Well it is now ten o'clock and I am finally home and so are all the fantastic TX swimmers. This was my first PE trip and I am so enormously proud of the whole team. Although we have had some outstanding individual achievements the whole team have been wonderful. Each child gave it their all and many PBs were smashed and medals won too. The total medal count will be in tomorrow so until then, we'll done TX!

The results are in and TX have of course done brilliantly. On the Long Course the whole BIS team came in 4th place and over the short course are BIS team did even better and came 3rd! The TX medal list and high scores can be seen here. Well done TX.

Saturday 8 December 2012

BKK Day One

We all had to wake up at 5:20 to start eating breakfast at 5:30 so that the bus could arrive in time for our warm up slot at 7:20. It was quite a misty morning but that didn't put anyone off and all the TX children eagerly jumped into the pool to get ready to swim. I should say that the pool was enormous compared to our smaller pool at TX but everyone looked confident and ready to do battle!

Up first were the 100m freestyle races and all the TX children did the school proud and raced the mighty distance as fast as they can. With over 100 competitors in just that race alone it is a definite achievement that all of our TX swimmers were placed in the top 50. As you can see from the photos, below the children had to work extremely hard.

A special well done to Jeanette for being placed 6th in the 100m Backstroke. I'm very sorry for the lack of tweets during the day, but BKK Patana school don't seem to allow any guests to access their WIFI network.

I will update you all when I can.

Thursday 6 December 2012

We're here and ready to swim!

It was an early start for most of the team but we have all now made it and more importantly had a lovely buffet lunch. The children are all relaxing in their rooms while I type and shortly we will be off to the hotel swimming pool for a bit a fun before the serious swimming starts tomorrow.

I will be updating my blog at the end of the day but if you would like more recent updates I will be tweeting using my twitter account @MrMikeBIS. As soon as a medal is won I will try to tweet it! 

Monday 3 December 2012

Water Resistance

The only place suitable to test and learn about water resistance is of course the swimming pool! Year 4 used the knowledge of their recent air resistance investigation to inform their predictions about which shapes would easily move through water. Taking careful measurements was the key, although recording results in a wet environment is challenging for anyone!

Earthquake Experts

As all of you know, last week both the Year 4 classes created their own presentations to educate the Year 1-6 classes what to do in the event of an earthquake. All of 4T were great and I was very impressed with your presentations. Ms Sue and the office staff were impressed too! This was all for the build up to our exit point for the Active Planet IPC unit.

As you can see, 6T were indeed well educated and ready just in case their may be an earthquake. Year 4 will be watching all of the videos from around the school deciding which class was the most prepared. I'll update this post when we have done so!

Mr Ian managed to film some of the other classes. Check his blog out here if you want to see more.