Saturday 8 December 2012

BKK Day One

We all had to wake up at 5:20 to start eating breakfast at 5:30 so that the bus could arrive in time for our warm up slot at 7:20. It was quite a misty morning but that didn't put anyone off and all the TX children eagerly jumped into the pool to get ready to swim. I should say that the pool was enormous compared to our smaller pool at TX but everyone looked confident and ready to do battle!

Up first were the 100m freestyle races and all the TX children did the school proud and raced the mighty distance as fast as they can. With over 100 competitors in just that race alone it is a definite achievement that all of our TX swimmers were placed in the top 50. As you can see from the photos, below the children had to work extremely hard.

A special well done to Jeanette for being placed 6th in the 100m Backstroke. I'm very sorry for the lack of tweets during the day, but BKK Patana school don't seem to allow any guests to access their WIFI network.

I will update you all when I can.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really really Thanks for your kind note and wish your great trip with TX brillant swimmers...see you tomorrow. ....♡♡♡from jinny's mum in saigon..