Monday 6 February 2012

Are You Brave Enough?

I was reading the news when I came across this article. I don't think I could ever be that brave. The man is going to ride a hot air balloon so high that he is right at the very edge of the Earth's atmosphere, nearly in space, and then jump out! He will travel so fast when he is falling to the ground that he will be falling at over 1,000kph.

He is already famous for skydiving over the whole of the English Channel and he has also jumped off the top of the Petronas Twin Towers Below is a video of  him doing exactly that. 

It made me think and wonder. What is the bravest thing that I have ever done? After some time wondering I have decided that the bravest thing I have done is probably go SCUBA diving with sharks in Pacific Ocean near the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean. What do you think is the bravest thing you have done? 

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