Tuesday 28 February 2012

Who would you meet?

We all live in the year 2012 which means our planet has a long and interesting 2012 years of recorded history. That made me think. If I could meet anyone who lived in the past from any culture or nationality who would I meet?

Wow, there are just so many interesting and iconic people that I would love to meet and it is extremely hard to choose just one. If I had a top three I think I would choose:


                              Steve Jobs                          Sr Francis Drake               Charlie 'Bird' Parker

Steve Jobs, as I'm sure many of you know was the creator of the Apple company and responsible for helping to invent the iPod and much more. When people talk about him, it is often said that he was a great visionary and a creative genius. He explains it himself in an advert that was created to promote Apple products.

Sr Francis Drake was a great explorer, a vicious pirate and also an amazing naval commander. He is very famous in England for helping to defeat the Spanish Armada in the English Channel.    

Last but not least is  Charlie 'Bird' Parker. As you all know I love to play the saxophone and he is perhaps one of the greatest jazz alto saxophone players that has ever lived. Below is a short video of him playing.

So who would I meet out of the three? Probably Sr Francis Drake. His life was just so different to mine that I can't even imagine what is was like to be him.

What about you, who would you like to meet?

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