Monday 12 March 2012

The Best Day Ever?!

As all the Year 4 worried parents know, I writing this post from my hotel room at Thuy Duong resort in Long Hai.

We arrived slightly earlier than planned which was welcome by the children as it meant we could get into the hotel restaurant and begin to eat a little earlier than expected. They all ate like ravenous wolves who hadn't hunted for a year and soon there was no food left on the plates. I was very proud of the children as they all ate well and even added some vegetables on their plate too!

After changing and getting ready for the beach it was off towards the golden sands to find out who might grow up to become an architect or structural engineer... that's right it was the famous Long Hai Sand Castle competition. I have taken photos of all the entries and the children will find out who was the winner later in the week.

All that was needed was a quick dip in the sea then off to the pool where the children could really swim. Everyone enjoyed the long swim and play in the pool and didn't want to get out and get ready for the next activity of Video Diaries.

Something new for Long Hai this year is the video diary. The children and their room mates will be keeping a record of how they felt and what they did in their time in at Long Hai. This is being done using the TX's new video cameras and the children have really enjoyed filming with them. The first diary entry from Sebastian, Nicholas and Dhiren can be seen below.

I'm very tired and sleepy now and so have to say good night. I will be writing another blog post tomorrow for you all to read. Until then you can see all of the photos from our fun day today using this link.

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