Monday 27 August 2012

First Day - Fun Day

So today was the beginning of the year and I'm super pleased with how the day went. I have a really good feeling about the year and how exciting it's going to be. Although I have been at BIS now for more than five years and have taught loads of wonderful and amazing children, my instincts tell me that this could be the best year yet. All of you have made such a great start to the year. I sat down and marked all you English and Maths books and was amazed at how good they were. Even all the boys were writing as neatly as they could!

The only photo I managed to capture today was the one at the very top of the 4T blog and I will add many more as the year goes along. For now I'm just going ask you to think about the answer to a couple of questions.

In Science we will be learning about solids and liquids. What is your most favourite liquid and why?
(mine is pineapple juice because its so super yummy!)

At the moment the title of our class blog is 4T's Blog. This is quite a boring title. What do you think our class blog title should be?

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