Thursday 30 August 2012

What Fab First Week!

Just at the end of last year, Ms Alison told me that I would be teaching a wonderfully gifted bunch of children and - WOW! I was expecting my class to be good but,  not this good. I have had such a great first week of term and I am now eagerly looking forward to getting to know everyone even better. The work every child in 4T has done this week has been excellent and I'm really proud to be the teacher of 4T this year.

Below you can see a super example of just how good everyone is. In English this week we have been learning about fantasy settings. All the children were great at identifying different setting adjectives. They were even able to draw beautiful landscapes of Lothlorien after reading a super tricky extract from Lord  Of The Rings. (See below)

Just east of the Misty Mountains, beside the Silverlode, which flows into the Great River Anduin, lies Lothlorien - the Golden Wood - the fairest Elf-kingdom remaining in Middle-earth.

Lothlorien is the home of the Wood Elves, who are almost invisible to visitors to the wood they guard, as they move swiftly and silently through the tree canopy, camouflaged by their magical grey cloaks. Throughout the Golden Wood grow the towering mallorn trees, the tallest and most beautiful trees in Middle-earth.

In the grass of the forest floor bloom trhe golden stars of elanor and pale white flowers of the niphredil. The silver pillars of the mallorns tower up into a splendid canopy of golden leaves, in the many-levelled branches of which the Elves build their flets: their dwellings, or high houses.

At the heart of the Golden Wood lies Caras Galadhon, the city in which the Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel have their royal hall, a magificent flet, nestled high in the crown of the mightiest mallorn of all.  

Well done Jeanette!

Well done Tyler!

Above are the two pictures judged by Ms Van Anh and I to be the best. You can also see all of them in the slide show below.

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