Tuesday 28 May 2013

Cave Paintings

As part of our Habitat IPC topic 4T looked at cave paintings from the past. They then attempted to create their own using cartridge paper, pastels and paint. Come and visit the cave in the MP2 corridor to see the results. Download the photos here.


Fantastic First Google Homework

I would just like to say well done to Jeanette for creating an excellent homework. As you can see below she really thought carefully before adding all the features to the information page. Well done Jeanette, I think I will use your amazing homework as an example when I'm teaching teachers how to use the new Google documents for homework.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Information Planning

English lesson time today was spent learning about the layout of information texts and how they can change dependent on the opinions and choices of the authors.  Each group then planned their own information text pages. If you would like any photos from the slideshow above click here

Saturday 25 May 2013

Year 4 Google Homework Trial

Hi Year 4. For the next few weeks the majority of your homework will be completed online. This may mean that you will have to write blog posts or it may mean using the new Google Drive features that we are testing. This week you will have to complete your English homework using a Google Drawing and your IPC/Information Literacy homework using a Google Drawing too. I have embedded two videos below that will help you.

Features Homework Help

Images Homework Help

Sunday 19 May 2013

Just For Hannah

Hi 4T,

I'm not sure how much time you have all spent on YouTube recently, but today I stumbled across a new channel called The Piano Guys. If you have not seen any of their videos yet,you have to check them out. They are very talented musicians and I was so impressed by how they have interpreted the One Direction song What Makes You Beautiful. It also made me think of Hannah and how she likes to find One Direction news for us all. They have tonnes of great videos. heck them out. I have put What Makes You Beautiful below for you all to see.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Mud Houses

4T enjoyed creating their own Vietnamese houses. These houses were inspired from the traditional houses found in the center of Vietnam. They are known for their mud, straw and bamboo construction as well as their low ceilings to keep the house cool in hot weather. 

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Taking Charge Song

Please learn the words to the song below.

Taking charge is what we do,
Don't make your maids run after you,
Pack your bags with the things you need
Taking Charge is the message to heed

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge if you know what's good for you

Look around what do you see
Kids not thinking and being lazy,
Think about your attitude 
You'll receive some gratitude 

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge if you know what's good for you

When you go to the canteen 
Take charge go and choose your greens
Organize your self at school
You'll find your teachers will think you'recool

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge if you know what's good for you

Take charge make things possible 
Go and be responsible 
Now our song is nearly done 
Go take charge and then you've  won 

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge if you know what's good for you

Taking charge is what we do,                              Girls Split Take Charge 
Don't make your maids run after you,
Pack your bags with the things you need
Taking Charge is the message to heed                    

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge.........
Take charge

Mot Thoang Vietnam

Mot Thoang Vietnam is cultural centre where people can learn all about the crafts and houses from the different regions in Vietnam. The children were interested to learn about the many different houses and were great at asking questions to our tour guide to find out more. The trip was a success and soon the children will be using their notes from the trip to create some information pages during their English and IPC lessons.

Messy but imaginative!

We have just started our new IPC topic of Habitats. A large portion of the topic will focus on different human habitats around the world. For and entry point the children had to work together as a team to create their own habitats in the classroom. As you can see from the photos the classroom was fantastically messy but it was great to see 4T working so well together and being creative.