Sunday 19 May 2013

Just For Hannah

Hi 4T,

I'm not sure how much time you have all spent on YouTube recently, but today I stumbled across a new channel called The Piano Guys. If you have not seen any of their videos yet,you have to check them out. They are very talented musicians and I was so impressed by how they have interpreted the One Direction song What Makes You Beautiful. It also made me think of Hannah and how she likes to find One Direction news for us all. They have tonnes of great videos. heck them out. I have put What Makes You Beautiful below for you all to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my class I have actually started a group of boys to rival two direction!It includes me,Anh Khoi,Hao and Pana. I've decided to call us three direction.We don't like to perform however.But we do like to find out things like how to rival 2D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!