Tuesday 7 May 2013

Taking Charge Song

Please learn the words to the song below.

Taking charge is what we do,
Don't make your maids run after you,
Pack your bags with the things you need
Taking Charge is the message to heed

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge if you know what's good for you

Look around what do you see
Kids not thinking and being lazy,
Think about your attitude 
You'll receive some gratitude 

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge if you know what's good for you

When you go to the canteen 
Take charge go and choose your greens
Organize your self at school
You'll find your teachers will think you'recool

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge if you know what's good for you

Take charge make things possible 
Go and be responsible 
Now our song is nearly done 
Go take charge and then you've  won 

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge if you know what's good for you

Taking charge is what we do,                              Girls Split Take Charge 
Don't make your maids run after you,
Pack your bags with the things you need
Taking Charge is the message to heed                    

Take charge.........
Take charge
Take charge.........
Take charge

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