Sunday 23 September 2012

Eco Thoughts

As I write this it is Sunday evening and I'm thinking about everything that Year 4 may achieve next week. For some reason my mind has turned to BISCAT and our recent assembly. So often I concern myself with Maths and English and all of the 'work' that has to be completed and I forget about all the other equally important learning that happens at school.

In assembly on Friday Ms Guvinder reminded us all about BISCAT and, fortunately for Year 4, we have already made a fun start to our community project. Another fortunate thing for 4T is that Hidemasa was given his green Eco ribbon. This means that Hidemasa is going to help us all, especially me, to be Eco friendly. I know that I often leave the lights and AC on in the classroom even though there is no one in the room. I have also seen many 4T members drinking water and using lots of plastic cups too.

So as well as thinking about all the important work that has to be done next week, I'm also going to be an Eco warrior - just like Hidemasa. Will you? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Mike when do we dress up as a character to school.