Sunday 23 September 2012

How active is our planet?

The tricky question this week is slightly different. In IPC we have all been learning that we live on a very active planet and I was wondering if we could find evidence. For extra work this week I would like you to find a newspaper article that is written about a natural disaster that has happened since the start of Year 4. When you have found one,read it then write your own blog entry about it. Don't forget to include the link. When writing about the article you may want to think about the following; 

Where is the article set? 
What it is about? 
When did it take place?


Anonymous said...

A storm starts lots of tornadoes in New York which spin up to Washington DC on September the 9th.It spins straight onto other cities as well.

Anonymous said...

Recent Natural Disasters
Vietnam flood photo

Landslide and flooding in Yen Bai, Vietnam
-Twenty nine killed and four others reported to be missing in landslide and flooding in northern and central Vietnam.
-Flooding and landslide caused by heavy rainfall made an estimated $22 million in damage to rice crops and infrastructure.
-Floods killed a total of 66 and displaced about 15,000 families in 2008. Flooding in Hanoi and Red River Delta in 1971 is the deadliest flood in Vietnam history which killed 1,00,000 people!

Source :

Anonymous said...

The article is set in Guatemala City, where a volcano erupted
The name of the volcano was Fuego , my daddy tells me in Spanish fuego means fire in spanish
The volcano erupted erupted on Friday September 13th 2012
11,000 people had to leave their homes

The source is