Monday 17 December 2012

Christmas coffee - what have you been up to?

Hello Year 4. I have landed in my home town of Plymouth and my mother and I went Christmas shopping this morning. The best part of the day was a sit down in a lovely warm but small coffee shop that had a huge selection of chocolate cakes! Yes they were just as delicious as they looked. What have you been doing so far this holiday? Add a comment or write your own blog post to show us all.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Super Performance

Well done to the whole of MP2. Today all of the children gave the best performance they have ever done. The audience was fantastic and it was great to see them get so involved. I saw so many happy mums and dads in the audience that it made me proud to be one of the teachers of such a wonderful and talented group of children. Have a great holiday everybody and I wish you all a very merry Christmas.

Sunday 9 December 2012

What a great way to end the swim meet!

Well it is now ten o'clock and I am finally home and so are all the fantastic TX swimmers. This was my first PE trip and I am so enormously proud of the whole team. Although we have had some outstanding individual achievements the whole team have been wonderful. Each child gave it their all and many PBs were smashed and medals won too. The total medal count will be in tomorrow so until then, we'll done TX!

The results are in and TX have of course done brilliantly. On the Long Course the whole BIS team came in 4th place and over the short course are BIS team did even better and came 3rd! The TX medal list and high scores can be seen here. Well done TX.

Saturday 8 December 2012

BKK Day One

We all had to wake up at 5:20 to start eating breakfast at 5:30 so that the bus could arrive in time for our warm up slot at 7:20. It was quite a misty morning but that didn't put anyone off and all the TX children eagerly jumped into the pool to get ready to swim. I should say that the pool was enormous compared to our smaller pool at TX but everyone looked confident and ready to do battle!

Up first were the 100m freestyle races and all the TX children did the school proud and raced the mighty distance as fast as they can. With over 100 competitors in just that race alone it is a definite achievement that all of our TX swimmers were placed in the top 50. As you can see from the photos, below the children had to work extremely hard.

A special well done to Jeanette for being placed 6th in the 100m Backstroke. I'm very sorry for the lack of tweets during the day, but BKK Patana school don't seem to allow any guests to access their WIFI network.

I will update you all when I can.

Thursday 6 December 2012

We're here and ready to swim!

It was an early start for most of the team but we have all now made it and more importantly had a lovely buffet lunch. The children are all relaxing in their rooms while I type and shortly we will be off to the hotel swimming pool for a bit a fun before the serious swimming starts tomorrow.

I will be updating my blog at the end of the day but if you would like more recent updates I will be tweeting using my twitter account @MrMikeBIS. As soon as a medal is won I will try to tweet it! 

Monday 3 December 2012

Water Resistance

The only place suitable to test and learn about water resistance is of course the swimming pool! Year 4 used the knowledge of their recent air resistance investigation to inform their predictions about which shapes would easily move through water. Taking careful measurements was the key, although recording results in a wet environment is challenging for anyone!

Earthquake Experts

As all of you know, last week both the Year 4 classes created their own presentations to educate the Year 1-6 classes what to do in the event of an earthquake. All of 4T were great and I was very impressed with your presentations. Ms Sue and the office staff were impressed too! This was all for the build up to our exit point for the Active Planet IPC unit.

As you can see, 6T were indeed well educated and ready just in case their may be an earthquake. Year 4 will be watching all of the videos from around the school deciding which class was the most prepared. I'll update this post when we have done so!

Mr Ian managed to film some of the other classes. Check his blog out here if you want to see more.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Air Resistance Investigating

4t used up all their energy in the playground whilst investigating friction and air resistance. Everyone predicted that the largest piece of card would be most difficult to run with, but explaining why was more difficult. Using the vocabulary of surface area was eventually considered and explained in books. Well done 4T!

Sunday 25 November 2012

Performing Poetry

This week we started our poetry unit. The children did a great job of using actions and expressions to help create a picture of the poem in the imaginations of the listener and reader.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Buddy Up & Help

To end the amazing international week that Year 4 have had, 4T and 4X spent time with our buddies in F2. The children were wonderful when helping each other. I was amazed to see how mature and caring Year 4 can be.

The Best Performance Ever!

Ms Alison and I were both so very proud of Year 4 today. After watching the whole show we both agreed and disagreed. We agreed that Year 4 were the best performers of the whole show, and we disagreed about the girls and boys. I thought that the boys were the best and she thought that the girls were the best. What did you think?

Sunday 11 November 2012

What can you find out about the world?

As it is International Week this week I have decided to make the tricky question a country question. Can you answer the following questions?

Which country in the world has the smallest population?
Which country in the world has the largest population?
Which country in the world has the largest land area?
Which country in the world has the smallest land area?

Sound Foundations

4T started the Design Technology part of our IPC topic this week by creating a some earthquake proof structures. There were many designs that were tried. The most successful designs showed to have many cross-supports and a strong geometric shape. 

Friction Found

Friction is the force that keeps us on our feet. It can be found when any two surfaces rub together. 4T had the task to investigate which surface produced the greatest friction. The difficulty was controlling the variables to make sure that it was a fair test so that only one variable was changed and the others kept the same. There were different results but most conclusions showed that carpet produced the greatest force of friction. 


Do you know what to measure?

This week saw 4T revising their measuring skills. Although of course measuring accurately is important, before you can do that you must know what unit to measure with. This week 4T had to choose the correct unit of measure when trying to measure length, capacity and weight.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Devastating Magnitude

Last week I asked you to find any earthquake that has hit in the last 50 years. This week I wonder if you can find out where and when the largest earthquake hit. Try to answer the following questions;

  • Where did the earthquake hit?
  • What magnitude was the earthquake?
  • How many people were killed due to the earthquake?
  • How much was the estimated cost of clearing up after the earthquake? 

Are you living on the edge?

Now that our volcano work is complete, Year 4 has started to learn about earthquakes. To show how they are created 4T researched the locations of cities near the edge of tectonic plates and built them as a plasticine model on top of two polystyrene tectonic plates. When rubbed together some of the models weren't quite as earthquake proof as we thought they would be.

What do you know about forces?

4T have just started a new Science topic. Over the next half term we will be learning all about forces in general but also focussing on Friction. We kicked off the unit by learning about how to measure a force using a Newton metre.

Experts Visited

Sometimes remembering how to write can be difficult - especially with so many things to remember! This week 4T were lucky to have three experts (all named Professor Pyro coincidentally!) to help explain how volcanoes work and help us all remember a volcano explanation text.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Deathly Damage

Your task this week is to find a place in the last 50 years that has been hit by an earthquake. Once you have found it answer the following questions:

Where did the earthquake hit?
What was the magnitude of the quake?
How many people were killed?

Thursday 18 October 2012

Painting with Mr Pat

 4T all enjoyed learning how to mix colours carefully to make a gradient. Well done Gia Vinh you was great!

Causal Language

This week in English we have been learning about causal language and the words & phrases used to explain. Everyone has learned lots of new language and the whole class was especially impressed with Jeanette and Hannah's performance. After a vote it was decided that their video should be added to the class blog.

Speech Contest

 This week saw the MP2 speech contest and I can definitely say that I'm very proud of 4T. Jeanette did a fantastic job and I was really impressed with all of the technical language that she used. Another big well done to Anh vu who came second!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Filtering Competition

All 4T really enjoyed the lesson to conclude our unit of work on solids and liquids. Everyone was given the same quantity of water that was mixed with soil, twigs, leaves, sand and pebbles. Each group had only 20 minutes to separate as much solid from liquid as possible and try to get the cleanest water and the most water too. Well done to Group 5 who managed to not only get the cleanest water but also the most water too. Ms Alison judged them to have the cleanest water and after measuring it was discovered that they had gathered 900ml too! Well done Group 5.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Dormant, Extinct & Active - Can you find them?

Did you know there are three types of volcano? If you didn't, research using one of our favourite volcano sites and find out the difference. Once you understand the difference, can you locate each type of volcano on three different continents? When you have, post your answer in a comment below. 

Friday 12 October 2012


Wow, what a great day we have had today.  We all followed the instructions carefully to make our own volcanoes explode! First we added two cups of water to our jug. Followed by 3 level scoops of bicarbonate of soda, a few drops of red food colouring and a squirt of washing up liquid. We mixed it all together and poured it into our volcanoes.  After taking great care to carry our volcanoes downstairs, we took turns to add one cup of vinegar. This made a chemical reaction and it looked as if molten lava was pouring out of the main vent of our volcanoes! Now watch the exciting video of Bach and Chi Nhan's volcanoes exploding, and look at the slideshow of pictures from this morning.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Mixtures & Solutions - Do you know the difference?

During a busy lesson spent investigating, 4T discovered that not all solids react the same way when they are mixed with a liquid. Some solids seem to disappear into the water to form solutions while others are easily visible. Can you remember which solids dissolve to form solutions? If you can, write them down in a comment below. I wonder how many we can find?

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Book Complete! Come and get it!

Good news Year 4 - our book is complete! I have tested it on my iPad and Mr Ian has now also tested it on his iPad too, so it definitely works. Unfortunately I could only save it as an 'iBooks' file and so it must be added to an iPad with the iBooks application on it. If you would like to add it to your iPad then I will happily copy the book onto a USB for you. All you need to do is connect your iPad to your computer and then open iTunes. Your iPad should then appear and all you have to do is drag the iBooks file from your USB onto your iPad. Make sure you click the sync button before you take out your iPad from your computer.

Monday 8 October 2012

Marvellous Volcanoes

Even though it may be assessment week, everyone in 4T is still working hard during IPC sessions. This week we hope to build a model volcano that we can all erupt later. As you can see everyone has made a great start!

Saturday 6 October 2012

Book Week Fun

Book week is now over and I thought it would be nice to share a few of the best memories from the week. So much has happened this week that I don't know where to start. I'm so proud of all of Year 4 for trying so hard to read extra and finding the house Wallies that were so well hidden around the school.

The other stad out memory for me has to be the publishing of our class book in the library. I have never taught a class of such clever children and it's great that we are all published authors! That's right, if you search on Destiny now you will find our book. How cool is it that anyone in school can check our book out of the library for them to read at home! The e-book is nearly done and I will give anyone a copy of it when it is ready. 

Tuesday 2 October 2012

The Best Selling Children's Author Ever

I was reading Ms Alison's blog, and noticed her tricky question this week was about finding out the best selling children's author. This made me remember something that means I can write a post and tell you all the answer.

When I was 6, I went to my local library for a really exciting meet an author afternoon. Amazingly, I was lucky to meet the fantastic author Colin McNaughton. I eagerly ran up to him holding a copy of Jolly Roger (one of my favourite pirate stories) and asked him to sign it for me. As he did so he told me that he was now the best selling author of children's books. He has had over 70 books published!

So I can indeed easily answer Ms Alison's question without even searching the Internet!

Monday 1 October 2012

Read The Force!

Year 4! Remember to bring your books where ever you go, just in case the reading Jedi appear!

Sunday 30 September 2012

Moon Festival

The whole school looked fantastic in their Ao Dai whilst holding their beautiful lanterns. 

Squash Champion!

As many of you know, I have been competing in squash tournament after school. Saturday was a tough day because I had my semi-final match and if I was successful I would have to play the final just a few hours later.

Well, on Saturday morning I met my opponent Hung and started to play. Hung was a hard player but luckily I managed to just scrape a win. I won three games and he won two so that put me through into the final.

The final wasn't as tough as the semi-final and I comfortably beat my opponent three games to nil. I will bring in my trophy to show you all tomorrow.

Rain Rain Rain

I have noticed that it seems to be raining an awful lot recently. While I was on my bike on the way to school getting truly soaked I wondered if HCMC was the wettest place in Earth? Well after a little consideration I think it probably isn't but I don't actually know. The tricky question this week is to find out where the wettest and driest places are in Earth. Please try to find out how much rainfall there is in a year and these two locations.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Research skills are evolving!

Often the Internet is such a big and enormously complicated monster that it is too difficult to find just exactly the information we need.  Luckily everyone in Year 4 has now learned how to set the 'Advanced Search' settings when using Google to search. Remember at home to change the reading level to basic so that the results are more easily read. Even the basic level can be difficult to understand for Year 5 and 6 shildren, so don't feel that basic should be easy. 

I'm pleased to say that after improving their search skills the children managed to find some good volcano sites that they could read and understand. 

Well done to Jamie for not only using Google well to search, but for also presenting her book so beautifully too!

Sunday 23 September 2012

Eco Thoughts

As I write this it is Sunday evening and I'm thinking about everything that Year 4 may achieve next week. For some reason my mind has turned to BISCAT and our recent assembly. So often I concern myself with Maths and English and all of the 'work' that has to be completed and I forget about all the other equally important learning that happens at school.

In assembly on Friday Ms Guvinder reminded us all about BISCAT and, fortunately for Year 4, we have already made a fun start to our community project. Another fortunate thing for 4T is that Hidemasa was given his green Eco ribbon. This means that Hidemasa is going to help us all, especially me, to be Eco friendly. I know that I often leave the lights and AC on in the classroom even though there is no one in the room. I have also seen many 4T members drinking water and using lots of plastic cups too.

So as well as thinking about all the important work that has to be done next week, I'm also going to be an Eco warrior - just like Hidemasa. Will you? 

How active is our planet?

The tricky question this week is slightly different. In IPC we have all been learning that we live on a very active planet and I was wondering if we could find evidence. For extra work this week I would like you to find a newspaper article that is written about a natural disaster that has happened since the start of Year 4. When you have found one,read it then write your own blog entry about it. Don't forget to include the link. When writing about the article you may want to think about the following; 

Where is the article set? 
What it is about? 
When did it take place?

Thursday 20 September 2012

Watch Our Writing Improve

Today everyone in Year 4 began planning in pairs their own fantasy story. What was different to the previous planning completed by BIS children is that this time everyone used a piece of software called 'WriteOnline'. WriteOnline is similar to Word in that it allows a person to write text but it is also quite different because it has features such as Word Bars and a text to speech function. Many children I ask to read a sentence after they have written it but will forget. WriteOnline will ready completed sentences and words to a child so they can listen back. Ms Alison and I are also a huge fan of the word bars too!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Separating Solids

Learning how to investigate can sometimes be tricky. Today all of 4T had to decide just what equipment to use in their Science investigations. Fantastically, everyone made really sensible and thoughtful decisions and were able to separate some mixtures. 

Will It Melt?

4T really enjoyed learning about which materials will melt. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

BISCAT 'Books n Blogs' Started - We're All On The Way!

Today Year 4 made the first bold steps on their journey to completing their BISCAT Silver 2 award. Throughout the year the children will be using their blogs to write down their thoughts and feelings of all their BISCAT journey. It started in the classroom today but may be set in future for homework. I look forward to reading all the exciting blog entries to come!

Monday 17 September 2012

Guess The Settings

I was really pleased how everyone thought about characters and settings today. Everyone really tried hard to change how they acted when in the same setting but with a different atmosphere. After a quick class vote the children decided that Sam, Alex, Minh & Hui Jong were the best actors and so deserved their video on this blog. Can you guess the setting?

Saturday 15 September 2012

Tricky Question - Volcano Country

For the Tricky question this week I would like you find out the top three countries for having more volcanoes than any other. Write your answers in the comments box if you manage it. Don't forget to say where you found the information.

Friday 14 September 2012

BBGV Fun Run

In a couple of weeks it will be the BBGV Fun Run. I'm sure you have all seen the t-shirt outside the office and are eager to sign up for the charity run. Both Ms Alison and I have signed up and will be there. We are hoping that many of Year 4 will be there too. In fact Ms Alison and I would be so proud if there were more Year 4 children from TX than any other year group in school! Do you want to run, blade or bike? If you do I will see you there. For more details about the fun run click here. I'm really looking forward to spotting as many friendly year four faces as I can.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Tricky Question - Dewey

During our Information Literacy session last week Ms Rachel asked us about the Dewey Decimal system. No one, not even I, knew who invented it or where it came from. The tricky question this week is to find this out.

Who invented the Dewey Decimal system?
Where did they come from and when did they invent it?

Please add your answer as a comment in the comments box.

Friday 7 September 2012

Everybody Is A Learner - Even Me

So it's a new year and that means reflecting on last year and thinking about how you might improve this year. Well, after careful thought, I have decided that I would like to be better at Art. Luckily for me TX has the amazing Mr Pat this term and it has turned out to be the perfect opportunity for 4T and myself to improve our Art skills together.

Mr Pat has started teaching self portraits in both the Year 4 Classes. We first had to draw a self portrait without any help and then begin again but under the careful watch of Mr Pat. We have not finished yet but I think you can tell from my two pictures that the second me on the right is definitely better than my first portrait on the left. All that is missing is hair and ears. Both of which I eagerly look forward to learning how to draw next week. Thanks, for the excellent help Mr Pat!

Another Busy Week

This week has been a super busy week and once again I'm so very proud of all that 4T have learned. So many of the children have really listened to the objectives of my lessons and tried to complete all their activities as best they can.

 The Big Write talk homework help on Wednesday really inspired the children to write some interesting and varied story settings. It was clear that so many children had been thinking hard about which adjectives and it was great to read so many settings that showed excellent examples of VCOP. 

I think my most favourite part of the week was Earth layer research and modeling. It was the first time in the three years that I have been teaching Year 4 that I had taught that activity and it was such great fun! I eagerly await the blog posts from everyone in 4T next week. 

Thursday 6 September 2012

Journey To The Centre Of The Earth

For IPC today everyone in 4T took a journey to the centre of the earth. Everyone was amazed to learn how the Earth may be similar to an egg, and exactly what is inside our planet. Although the facts about the layers of Earth were amazing, everyone enjoyed making it more! All of 4T are going to blog a set of instructions of how to make such fantastic Earths. When they are done I will add a link into this post showing how. 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Thank You

All of the children in 4T are currently silently writing in their Big Write books and I know after this morning's parents session that the quality of writing will be much higher. I would like to say a big thank you to all the mums, dads and any other teacher/helpers that took time out of their busy day to come in a support the children in their writing. If all talk homework is completed like it was today I know the children are going to have an outstanding year!

First Learning Steps To Be Remembered!

Today was a historic day in Year 4. Gone are the days of not thinking about learning and having no time to reflect. Gone are the days of taking books home at the end of the year to be forgotten on a shelf and gather dust!

From today everyone in 4T will be able to wrap up their learning and send it to the cloud where it will dutifully follow them where ever they happen to be. They will be able access there learning wherever they are and begin to participate in an huge community of children from across the world all thinking and reflecting on their learning. Each child in 4T created their own blog and throughout the rest of the year they will be blogging all about what they have been learning. As the year progresses more and more of their own work and thoughts will be added.

Thursday 30 August 2012

What Fab First Week!

Just at the end of last year, Ms Alison told me that I would be teaching a wonderfully gifted bunch of children and - WOW! I was expecting my class to be good but,  not this good. I have had such a great first week of term and I am now eagerly looking forward to getting to know everyone even better. The work every child in 4T has done this week has been excellent and I'm really proud to be the teacher of 4T this year.

Below you can see a super example of just how good everyone is. In English this week we have been learning about fantasy settings. All the children were great at identifying different setting adjectives. They were even able to draw beautiful landscapes of Lothlorien after reading a super tricky extract from Lord  Of The Rings. (See below)

Just east of the Misty Mountains, beside the Silverlode, which flows into the Great River Anduin, lies Lothlorien - the Golden Wood - the fairest Elf-kingdom remaining in Middle-earth.

Lothlorien is the home of the Wood Elves, who are almost invisible to visitors to the wood they guard, as they move swiftly and silently through the tree canopy, camouflaged by their magical grey cloaks. Throughout the Golden Wood grow the towering mallorn trees, the tallest and most beautiful trees in Middle-earth.

In the grass of the forest floor bloom trhe golden stars of elanor and pale white flowers of the niphredil. The silver pillars of the mallorns tower up into a splendid canopy of golden leaves, in the many-levelled branches of which the Elves build their flets: their dwellings, or high houses.

At the heart of the Golden Wood lies Caras Galadhon, the city in which the Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel have their royal hall, a magificent flet, nestled high in the crown of the mightiest mallorn of all.  

Well done Jeanette!

Well done Tyler!

Above are the two pictures judged by Ms Van Anh and I to be the best. You can also see all of them in the slide show below.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Super Science

Today we started learning about solids and liquids. Everyone enjoyed trying to identify the different solids and liquids. As you can see there was plenty of interesting discussion. We discovered that lots of materials seem to have properties of both liquids and solids! I wonder if you can research to find out if toothpaste is actually a solid or a liquid? 

Monday 27 August 2012

First Day - Fun Day

So today was the beginning of the year and I'm super pleased with how the day went. I have a really good feeling about the year and how exciting it's going to be. Although I have been at BIS now for more than five years and have taught loads of wonderful and amazing children, my instincts tell me that this could be the best year yet. All of you have made such a great start to the year. I sat down and marked all you English and Maths books and was amazed at how good they were. Even all the boys were writing as neatly as they could!

The only photo I managed to capture today was the one at the very top of the 4T blog and I will add many more as the year goes along. For now I'm just going ask you to think about the answer to a couple of questions.

In Science we will be learning about solids and liquids. What is your most favourite liquid and why?
(mine is pineapple juice because its so super yummy!)

At the moment the title of our class blog is 4T's Blog. This is quite a boring title. What do you think our class blog title should be?

Saturday 25 August 2012

Welcome Back 4T

Hi and welcome back to everyone at TX. I have had a great holiday and I can't wait to start the year and have loads of fun. It's going to be a super busy year but I'm sure it will also be super, duper, luper fun! This year we are all going to using blogs like this one to think about and explore all our learning. I will update my blog frequently so you all know exactly what has been going on and what to look forward to in the future. 

Sunday 6 May 2012

Harsh Habitats

Do you think it is easy to live here? 

We are all so lucky because we live in a city habitat that provides everything we need to survive and so much more. The people that live here in this city slum are not so lucky. These people do not all have running water or a place to use the toilet properly. Life here is very difficult for them and hopefully as countries develop more governments will be able to help them. Do you think this is the most difficult place for a human to survive? Write a blog to show what you think. Remember to include a picture and say why you think your chosen habitat is a difficult place to survive.

Monday 12 March 2012

The Best Day Ever?!

As all the Year 4 worried parents know, I writing this post from my hotel room at Thuy Duong resort in Long Hai.

We arrived slightly earlier than planned which was welcome by the children as it meant we could get into the hotel restaurant and begin to eat a little earlier than expected. They all ate like ravenous wolves who hadn't hunted for a year and soon there was no food left on the plates. I was very proud of the children as they all ate well and even added some vegetables on their plate too!

After changing and getting ready for the beach it was off towards the golden sands to find out who might grow up to become an architect or structural engineer... that's right it was the famous Long Hai Sand Castle competition. I have taken photos of all the entries and the children will find out who was the winner later in the week.

All that was needed was a quick dip in the sea then off to the pool where the children could really swim. Everyone enjoyed the long swim and play in the pool and didn't want to get out and get ready for the next activity of Video Diaries.

Something new for Long Hai this year is the video diary. The children and their room mates will be keeping a record of how they felt and what they did in their time in at Long Hai. This is being done using the TX's new video cameras and the children have really enjoyed filming with them. The first diary entry from Sebastian, Nicholas and Dhiren can be seen below.

I'm very tired and sleepy now and so have to say good night. I will be writing another blog post tomorrow for you all to read. Until then you can see all of the photos from our fun day today using this link.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Who would you meet?

We all live in the year 2012 which means our planet has a long and interesting 2012 years of recorded history. That made me think. If I could meet anyone who lived in the past from any culture or nationality who would I meet?

Wow, there are just so many interesting and iconic people that I would love to meet and it is extremely hard to choose just one. If I had a top three I think I would choose:


                              Steve Jobs                          Sr Francis Drake               Charlie 'Bird' Parker

Steve Jobs, as I'm sure many of you know was the creator of the Apple company and responsible for helping to invent the iPod and much more. When people talk about him, it is often said that he was a great visionary and a creative genius. He explains it himself in an advert that was created to promote Apple products.

Sr Francis Drake was a great explorer, a vicious pirate and also an amazing naval commander. He is very famous in England for helping to defeat the Spanish Armada in the English Channel.    

Last but not least is  Charlie 'Bird' Parker. As you all know I love to play the saxophone and he is perhaps one of the greatest jazz alto saxophone players that has ever lived. Below is a short video of him playing.

So who would I meet out of the three? Probably Sr Francis Drake. His life was just so different to mine that I can't even imagine what is was like to be him.

What about you, who would you like to meet?

Sunday 19 February 2012

Spring Cleaning My Laptop!

Well another weekend has quickly flown by and it will be soon time to learn at school on Monday morning. One of the jobs I thought that I would have to do this weekend is give my laptop a good spring clean. Spring cleaning?! I hear you say. Why, yes of course. I have noticed recently that my laptop has been running more and more slowly and I checked to see how much memory space I had left. Oh gosh! None left! That is why it has been running so slowly and so I had to clean out all the old files/movies/documents that I no longer needed.

I started with the movie files first as these usually take up the most space. I do like to watch some films and TV shows that I have downloaded but I haven't deleted any for ages so they tend to take up a lot of space. While I was going through all the movie files, I came across a file called 1P. 1P? I thought to myself, I wonder what that could be? Well, after watching it, I laughed and laughed because it is a video about food that you guys made when you were in 1P with Ms Patsy. There are some faces missing and some faces that I don't recognise but it is still good fun to watch. What do you think?

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Games For Thunderbolt

Once again I was reading Thunderbolt's blog and he made a quick post about the games he plays on his iPad. I don't really have much time for games these days but every now and then, usually on a plane or train whilst travelling, I like to play either Fieldrunners or Bejeweled Blitz.

My highest score on Bejeweled Blitz is 172,950. Has anyone got a better score than that? 

Thunderbolt's Ambition

Hi guys,

I was reading through some of the blogs written by students at BIS and I was really pleased to read Thunderbolt's blog. His title for the blog is 'Ambition' and he explains that his ambition is to be a football player. I think it is really important for everyone to have at least one ambition that they can work towards. It helps keep you motivated and focussed on improving yourself. My ambition is to run a the Singapore marathon in December this year. I know it is going to be really difficult but I'm sure if I put my mind to it I will reach my goal/ambition.  The perfect way to end this blog is in exactly the same way Thunderbolt did....

What's your ambition?   

Monday 6 February 2012

Are You Brave Enough?

I was reading the news when I came across this article. I don't think I could ever be that brave. The man is going to ride a hot air balloon so high that he is right at the very edge of the Earth's atmosphere, nearly in space, and then jump out! He will travel so fast when he is falling to the ground that he will be falling at over 1,000kph.

He is already famous for skydiving over the whole of the English Channel and he has also jumped off the top of the Petronas Twin Towers Below is a video of  him doing exactly that. 

It made me think and wonder. What is the bravest thing that I have ever done? After some time wondering I have decided that the bravest thing I have done is probably go SCUBA diving with sharks in Pacific Ocean near the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean. What do you think is the bravest thing you have done? 

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Adventure Fun

Hello Year 4,

After break today please add a blog entry about our IPC entry point for the Adventure topic. Click here for the photos from this morning.

Monday 30 January 2012

News News News

Hi Year 4.

I was reading the news and I found something incredible and scary! This article was about a 22 year woman who went on holiday in Africa. She decided to do something very brave and scary - a bungie jump! The problem happened as she was jumping off the bridge. Her rope snapped and shell fell in the river. Luckily she was able to swimm out and wasnt hurt by any crocodiles near by.

You can see a video of it below.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Sports Day

Hi Year 4,

Sports day 2012 was fantastic. I was really proud of you all. You can see a couple of photos below, but if you want to see all the photos of 4T that I have taken click the link here.

Monday 9 January 2012

BISCAT Adventure


This term the school will focus on the adventure section of the BISCAT award. I would love you all to write a blog entry to show how you have been adventurous this term. This is the perfect chance to upload some photos/videos that you have. This is a blog entry that can be written any time this term and when you have done it bring your BISCAT book to me and I will sign it for you. If you can't think of any adventurous activities you will find some ideas below.

1. Staying away from home in Long Hai
2. Joining a new club and trying new things
3. Completing a challenge that you found extremely difficult

Sunday 8 January 2012

Are You Healthy?

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As you can see this week is healthy eating week. There will be lots of opportunities to start the new year by eating healthy. During the week there will be a breakfast club in the mornings and yummy smoothies being sold at the end of the day. If you wish to join breakfast club there are only 30 places in Year 4 and you will have to sign up your name on the Year 4 sheet outside the office.

For more information about all that is happening look at all the posters in the gallery below.

Sports Day


This year's sports day is on Thursday. Please come to school at the normal time but come wearing your PE shorts and your house t-shirt. You will not need to bring your school bag because we will be at the An Phu sports field all day. It will be hot and sunny so please don't forget to prepare for this by bringing your hat, sun cream and water bottle. Mums and dads are welcome to come and watch too. All of us will get the bus to An Phu in the morning but at the end of the day your parents are welcome to take you home from An Phu.